Sunday, November 14, 2010

Self Evaluation for the First Quarter

What would you change about what you do to be more successful this time around? What course material did you like or not like? What was your favorite activity? What did you like the least? What’s one thing that you would like to see in your English classes? What did you expect from this class?

There have been lots of events going on and time is passing away really quickly. What I would like to change the most is the time that I spent on vocabulary and rhetoric. I’m not good at memorizing things and I have never done well on vocabulary tests, so I would have done much better if I spent more time trying to remember the material.

The thing that I like and dislike is the same thing. It’s the rhetoric. I really like the logics behind debate and I really like formal debate, but I don’t like the complicated ideas and concepts behind it.

I really like group work and there is a lot of group work that we have to do in class. Discussions and talks help me understand the material that I do not understand and learning from my classmates is really interesting.

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