Thursday, November 25, 2010

Ralph Waldo Emerson - The American Scholar

    In the excerpt from "The American Scholar"  Emerson presents yet another view that is proven now by modern society. Emerson states that the United States should no longer be a state that is know for and based on its manufacturing and its productions, but that the country should also be known for its academic achievements. Emerson also presents that the idea that the development of a great nation always involves the ideas of great minds. He is holding the hope that there would be great minds that will strengthen the intellectual development of the nation.
    The United States is one of the best countries for academic studies and the vision of Emerson is fulfilled. Talented youth are trying to gain higher academic studies in the United States and the US is a country that high school graduates want to study in.
    Many great philosophers, thinkers, and influential people have also developed through the history of the United States. The Scholar was the term Emerson used to describe the intellectual development of a nation and today that term would certain qualify what it was meant to mean.

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