Sunday, November 21, 2010

The Natural World

Peace and tranquility are feelings that I associate with the word nature, but images that I associate with the word are those that consist of preying and survival. On a trip in Malaysia, I experienced both the tranquility of the natural world and the deadliness of it as well. I was with my family on beach and we were enjoying the various activities that were provided to tourists. We were all amazed by the beauty of the sea and the tranquility of the waters. It was a nice day for water activities and most people enjoyed the nice weather.
We heard a sudden scream that came from the sea. It was from a woman that was placing her feet in the water. People were shocked by the screaming and it was not long after we knew what happened. She had been stung by a jellyfish that was washed close to shore and her feet were severely damage. Both of her feet were swollen and they were purple. It was a scene that I could never forget.
The natural world is silent, calm, and peaceful at times, but it can become extremely deadly when organisms start their quests for survival. We can enjoy the beauties of the natural world, but we must always be aware of it dangers.

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