Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Ralph Waldo Emerson - Nature

    In the excerpt from Nature, Emerson gives a description of nature that I agree with high. Nature is peaceful and tranquil in the views of Emerson. I believe that nature can possess the qualities of tranquility and peacefulness, but I would also consider nature as deadly and cold-blooded. Nature seems peaceful and tranquil, but that is what makes it deadly. People do feel peace and tranquility when the move into the wild and I really like the peacefulness as well. You feel as if you are younger and more energetic than ever before.
    Nature can make people young and energetic, but it can also take the lives of people away. Nature changes at a very quick pace. It changes so quickly that humans cannot respond to it in time and that results in death and injuries.
    Emerson has a really good view of nature and I believe that he would be a successful man if he was to spend his whole life in the wild. I also learned something from his writing and that is: endorse the nature for peace but never go against it.

1 comment:

  1. -1
    I need you to respond a little more clearly to what Emerson is writing. What is his view of Nature? How does it affect the human spirit?
