Monday, January 10, 2011

Comparing "Easy A" and "The Scarlet Letter"

    There are some very clear differences in how the movie and the book depict events in the Scarlet Letter. The difference between the two probably result from the difference in cultural background and social values. The modern background of the movie gives it more flexibility and allows the points to be expressed to a greater extent. The attitude of the main characters clearly expresses the difference in determination that is cast by time. Olive in "Easy A" brings the rumor to its greatest extent and actually nourishes the growth of the rumor by falsely admitting that she is actually getting paid to have sex. On the other hand, Hester doesn't try do gain more attention than she has already gained. She tries to change her standpoint by working harder than before in order to give other people a impression of a strong and independent mother.
    The other major difference between Hester and Olive is their position in the surrounding that they are in. In the beginning of the movie, Olive states that she is someone that catches no attention. Olive has a deep desire to be popular amongst her peers, so she decides to let the rumors grow to the point that she couldn't take it anymore. Olive tries to fit into her peers, but she chooses the wrong way and is isolated. Hester holds a different position. Puritans are born into a strict society and deviating from the Puritan way of life was considered a crime. Hester becomes an outcast of the Puritan community and she slowly finds her way back through hard work. Hester doesn't try to gain more attention through her actions, but she does intend to alleviate her feeling of guilt.
     The way the two characters resolve their respective problems is different as well. Olive completely ignores the rumors in the end and finally proves that they are false. Hester admits the crime that she performed, but she works to pay those crimes off. This difference also results from the society that they live in. With different expectation comes different actions. The example of Hester and Olive prove this to be correct.