Saturday, September 25, 2010

Nike Advertisement- Soapstone Analysis

The speaker of this advertisement is the Nike Company and particularly the skate board division of the company. The speaker is quite identifiable because the website for Nike's skate board department shows up at the end of the video.

The occasion of this advertisement would be before skate boarding events or any other time when skate boards would be in demand. The information given would be an argument. The company is trying to argue that nothing is impossible when using Nike skateboards.

The audience of the commercial would be skate board lovers and people that are interested in Nike company products. The audience can be both general and specific. The general audience can refer to anybody and the specific audience would refer to skateboarders.

The purpose of this ad is too sell more skate boards and make people aware that the company has a skate board department. The directer of the clip is trying to inform the public that there are new products form Nike and he is also trying to persuade the audience to buy the product.

The subject being talked about in this ad is skate boarding and how nothing is impossible.

The tone of this ad is surpassing the impossible and it is very creative. The advertisement is supporting the product. The ad leaves a lasting impression in the minds of those who saw it.

Nike Ad
Uploaded by Wolverine. - Click for more funny videos.

Dumpster Diving, Lars Eighner - Soapstone Analysis

The speaker of "Dumpster Diving" would be the author, Lars Eighner. The whole article is composed in first person and the author presents most of his ideas with a very personal voice.  Lars Eighner is a male in his middle ages and it can be inferred that he is in stable emotional state. Lars calls himself a scavenger and it is believed that he does not consider himself to be of a low social class. Lars believes that he understands how to live off and gain more from other people.

I am unsure about the occasion of the article, but I believe that it would be when people are going scavenging or when people are distinguishing what foods they can eat. The article would be considered a memory of life as an scavenger and performing dumpster diving.

The audience of this article would be the general public, especially those people that do not clearly understand the way of life as an scavenger. The audience of the article is not specified by the author and the article could have a very general audience.

The purpose of this article is to explain the way of life as an scavenger and how to demonstrate how people are able to live by the minimal resources they can gain. The article is also used to critique on how young people do not understand the world around them and how these young people waste resources that may be valuable to others.

The subject of this article is to describe life as a scavenger, to demonstrate how people can live off minimal resources, and to show an attitude of survival. The most important part of the subject would be the waste of resources versus minimal resources needed for survival.

The tone of the article changes at different points. The tone at the beginning is explanatory and informative, but it changes into a more critical and analytical tone in the end. Lars is very dedicated when he talks about life as a scavenger and "Dumpster Diving" has taught many lessons that may be useful in life.

"Dumpster Diving" by Lars Eighner

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Rhetoric Vocabulary Examples

Examples of Aphorism:
1. We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them. (Albert Einstein)
2. Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. (Albert Einstein)
3.The difference between genius and stupidity is; genius has its limits. (Albert Einstein)
4. The innocent and the beautiful have no enemy but time. (William Butler Yeats)
5. Never explain--your friends don't need it, and your enemies won't believe you anyhow. (Elbert Hubbard)

Examples of Epigraph:
1. Time is the longest distance between two places. (Tennessee Williams, The Glass Menagerie)
2. Everything happens to everybody sooner or later if there is time enough. (George Bernard Shaw, Back to Methuselah)
3. History begins only at the point where things go wrong; history is born only with trouble, with perplexity, with regret. (Evening Is the Whole Day by Preeta Samarasan, 2009)
4. I would be a Papist if I could. I have fear enough, but an obstinate rationality prevents me. (The British Museum Is Falling Down by David Lodge, 1965)
5. Do not play this piece fast. It is never right to play Ragtime fast. (E. L. Doctorow, "Ragtime")

Examples of Invective:
1. Good day to all, and may the not specifically named morons save their souls.
2. Ugly people are not allowed here.
3. There are stupid people around the world; here is one example.
4. Put a mask on before you scare another person.
5. The are males and females on this planet, but I can't tell which group you are from.

Examples of Allegory:

 Examples of Antanaclasis:
1. Your argument is sound...all sound. (Benjamin Franklin)
2. While we live, let us live.
3. If we do not hang together, we will hang separately.
4. Will you have your will, Will? Then perhaps you will write your will.
5. The odds are good, but the goods are odd.

Examples of Anthimeria:
1. Be silence. Be peaced. Find the nature of the innocent fleeced.
2. Feel bad? Strike up some music and have a good sing.
3. Why don’t you gift him a wig.
4. Table that article right now!
5. Yes, she’s OK now. She just needed a good cry.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Personal Thoughts on Joan Didion's "On Self-Respect"

    The text "On self-respect in amazing to me because it is an answer that I am seeking at this stage of my life. The question I am now facing is the relationship between character, self-respect, and personal responsibility. Joan Didion says, "character - the willingness to accept responsibility for one's own life - is the source from which self-respect springs."
    I am in my senior year and I now understand the importance of responsibility. With a good character and with a strong sense of personal responsibility, I have learn to respect what I am doing to apply for college and I have also learned to respect those who are trying their best to help me in the process of college application.
    This essay portrays the knowledge I have recently gained perfectly. Responsibility comes from a good personal character and a good personal character leads to success in respecting the work oneself is doing.
    Joan Didion's "On Self-Respect" is the best essay I have read regarding the concept of self-respect and it is the best essay in which to learn a life lesson.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Response to the "Copying Animation"

    The producer of the animation is trying to convince us that copying is not wrong but is a new way of replicating. They want us to think about the issue from a different perspective; to think about the issue from a different perspective.
    When the video days copying is not wrong, they are comparing it to theft. The video is arguing that knowledge should be spread around instead of being kept to single individuals. They are basing their argument on the fact that more is better for the society as a whole, but they are ignoring several concepts.
    They say that not being able to copy would not improve or benefit each other, but they are ignoring the effects copying would bring. People get the same knowledge from copying each other, but they will soon lack motivation to create new things. Diversity disappears and creativity is lost as well.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Nap Quickwrite - Endangered Pleasures

    Online computer games are not accepted by parents worldwide, but online games may be a great entertainment and an enjoyable pleasure for many children. Parents sometimes over estimate the effects of computer games towards their children. Computer games may be a waste of time, but it is still a form of entertainment that children would like to participate in during their free times.

    Online computer games may allow you to interact with different people and learn lessons of life. Online games can help people learn to deal with others, interact in positive manners, and learn concepts of financing. The computer gaming world is like a miniature version of the real world and people can learn in both.